Too many months have passed since our last meeting… But now we are back to business!
On Nov 14, we organized the Presentation of the Boeing-UNIGE Scholarship Project 2017/2018.
Let us recap what happened during that meeting.
Alessandro Armando started the workshop with an introduction of the upcoming BOEING CTF. Follow the link to find out what is that!
Just saying: prizes are in the air…
CTF stands for Capture The Flag, a hacking competition among computer geeks. Each exercise hides a “flag”, which must discover to earn points. The winning person/team is the one that wins more points.
Then it came the ZenHack showtime: Giovanni Lagorio explained what a CTF is, who we are and what we usually do (except during coffee breaks… :-D).
From theory to practice, Enrico Russo and Andrea Valenza presented a simple CTF, named Amazena. Amazena is a website containing several common vulnerabilities. The aim of this demo was focused on learning some fundamental aspects of web security. (Still reading this?!? Go and discover the flags on the Amazena website!). Even if this demo was a joke, rewards were real.
In the end, prof. Armando illustrated how the University of Genova, the Master in Cybersecurity and different companies connect to each other.
For more info, just click here, where you can find the schedule of the event and some nice pics taken during the event.
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